Thursday 13 January 2011

Value of a wedding photographer

On occasion I've been asked why wedding photographers charge so much!?  It's a difficult one for me to answer  because I charge what I think is a reasonable amount of money for what I believe is exceptional quality and service.  

But it's a good question that I think we should look at a little deeper...

When thinking of hiring a photographer you probably start with a budget and then work backwards because that's the standard approach to purchasing most things like clothes, weekly shopping, holidays, car, house etc.   But hiring a photographer isn't about the 'now', it's more about what it will give you, again and again and again...

A good photographer should give you pictures that make you want to look at them over and over again.  The images should release the same mental stimulus as you had on the day (which is why we like looking at holiday snaps or catalogues at Christmas!!!).  One of the many reasons I love wedding photography above all other forms is that I know at the end of it all, I'll be giving something to the Bride and Groom that they will share with friends and family for generations to come.  (I've even found myself looking at pictures of my Grandparents wedding photos and wondering what it must have been like to take THAT picture! - Digital has made our lives SO much easier!!!)

I’m obviously biased, but I do believe it’s important to have someone at your wedding who is there as an impartial observer and documenter of your special day, because without that you will most probably end up with a few (nice) snaps that friends and family take, but the story of your day will be just a memory for you to hold on to.  Unfortunately memories fade and the speed at which the big day goes by will certainly intensify that feeling.

(Matt and Abigail throwing confetti over Mom and Dad... priceless!)

You can see more of my work at 

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